Friday, May 9, 2014

The Journey Doesn't End Here

Today I've received a phone call from a friend. He told me his father had passed away. It's one of those calls that I've always dreaded because being on the receiving end of "death" calls is never a good experience.

I'm always bad when it comes to my reaction whenever someone told me "this someone" or "that someone" passed away. I know it's hard for them and I'm not sure how to react. Should I pat him on the back or should I say "My condolences"? Usually though, I'd stay quiet and let the many years of friendship take its course. Sometimes we don't have to say anything because it can be said without saying, you get what I mean?

I've never cried for the past few years for the passing of my closest relatives. My dearest grandmother died and I couldn't cry even when I forced myself to. It's not about being macho or manly. I just couldn't cry.

I guess something's changed.
I used to cry a lot when I was younger, but today, while I do still feel very sad about not seeing their physical self anymore, I know they are leaving this place for a better one. 