Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A New Face

I'm really excited with the new face for my Main Writing site, Better Days. Hey, I've even thought of a new brand name for the whole site which I really like too. It's something I've been searching for a long time and today I could finally say, Eureka!

I've spent half-a-day editing all my previous posts but as it turned out, I couldn't. It was too exhausting, so I'm going to do it tomorrow instead. Thing is, the new face needs the articles to be in certain formats, so they look compatible with one another. 

Even so, I think this will be the one I'm sticking with as I'm pushing to put in more contents, driven by a clear theme: Better Days. Start with the minimalist concept, include the 30 Days challenge, free e-books as well as e-books for sale, and there will be videos soon as well. These are basically the to-do-list before the year end. 

Anyway, I think it's fitting that this blog is really where I could write informally with all of you. Yeah. Oh, and I'm not craving for a smoke now, just so you know. Usually, how it was, when I'm finishing up an article, I've smoked two-three sticks. 

Oh well, check it out, why don't ya? The new face and all, I really like it. It even fits in well with the mobile phones. I've checked it. But if there's anything I seem to have overlooked, do tell me 'right? 